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what's cooking?

Today’s Lunch: Chili Dogs.


Today’s Dinner: Lasagna.


Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Waffles.


It was the last day of the Olympics today.

If you missed it before,  click here to see what team your son is on.


The games began bright and early, with a Polar Bear plunge, which counted toward team points. 

The rest of the day consisted of the following events:

  • TJC/LSR Beach Soccer (1st place Papua New Guinea, 2nd place Bolivia).

  • Home Run Derby (1st place Papua New Guinea, 2nd Novgorod)

  • Marathon Run - 2 TJC/LSR, 2 USR, and one counselor raced in a two-mile run (1.5 laps around all of camp). 1st place went to China, 2nd to Novgorod, 3rd to Argentina. 

  • TJC/LSR golf tournament, one camper per team. First place was a tie between Argentina, Zambia, and Ireland. 

  • Climbing Wall Competition - one camper per team. 1st went to Novgorod, 2nd to Ireland. 

  • Waterfront Relay -remaining campers and one counselor. This included events like a lifejacket relay, a canoe tug of war, and a paddleboard relay. 1st place went to Papua New Guinea and Novgorod. 

  • Water Marathon - same as yesterday's, but the swim was a bit shorter. 1st place went to Papua New Guinea. 

  • Soccer Tournament Finale: six campers from each team (6v6). 1st was a tie between Ireland and Argentina. 
  • Basketball Tournament Finale: three campers per team, 1st went to China and Argentina. 
  • USR - NCAA American Football Finale, five campers and one counselor. 1st place went to Argentina and Papua New Guinea. 
  • Hockey Tournament Finale - three campers and two counselors per team. 1st place Argentina and Papua New Guinea. 
  • Swim meet - remaining campers and one counselor. First place went to Zambia. 
  • The Grand Marathon - an all-team event! Campers and counselors had to pass a buoy to each station (like a baton in a relay), then cross the finish line with the buoy in hand (in the rain no less!). Stations included the head coach/assistant head coach wheelbarrow, various runs around campus, a volleyball rally, trampoline jumps and a successful pike drop,  pool swims and slides, a tire drag, kicking a field goal on the football field, sinking basketball shots, scoring hockey shots, a three-legged race, eating a jelly sandwich while singing happy birthday, suicide drills,  scoring at the archery range, frisbee throwing, SUP'ing, and finally - one camper and the assistant coach run hand in hand from the basketball court to the finish line in front of Kruger Lodge. Navgorod held an immense lead the entire way and won, while Zambia (4th), Papua New Guinea 3rd), and Argentina (2nd) fought hard and went back and forth the whole way.
  • Speed Skating - skate around the hockey rink (1st went to Papua New Guinea, 2nd Zambia). 


The final event of the day was the Decathlon, where each team's pre-chosen Decathlete competed in 10 additional events to score extra points for their team.  This entailed a swim, a standing broad jump, ten foul shots, a distance run (Jake Krimsky of Papua New Guinea the broke the record), a softball toss, a shotput, a chinup race, archery, an

obstacle course, and the 50-yard Dash.  All of these boys competed so hard, but the win went to Jake Krimsky of Papua New Guinea with Justin Fields of Novgorod taking second and Henry Forte of Bolivia taking third. 


The evening event was the banner presentation, the cheer and song and the closing ceremony. Novgorod (Novo-Guardians of the Galaxy) won the banner, Papua New Guinea won the cheer, and Zambia won the song. 


The final Olympic standings were as follows:

1st Novgorod - the big winners! 

2nd Papua New Guinea - a close second. 

3rd Argentina 

4th China

5th Zambia 

6th Bolivia 

7th Ireland 

8th Jamaica 

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