THURSDAY 7/18/19

HIGH: 73°F
LOW: 62°F

what's cooking?
we have a birthday!
Today’s Lunch: Chicken Tenders.
Today’s Dinner: Fried Steak.
(Dance party after dinner).
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Waffles.
A couple of tournaments today- the rising fourth graders played baseball at MKN. They won some and lost some but worked their tails off!
Our sailing team went to a Regatta at Camp Lenox and placed fourth out of 11 teams!!! Congrats to Tanguy Talabardon, Asher Kornfield, Andrew Garber, Joey Silberfarb, Will Packard and Thomas Packard.
The rest of the campers went on with usual programming. The Stockbridge Series Disc Golf was an exciting event. The competitors played in groups throughout the day across five holes. The competition went into Campus Time for those who qualified.
Tribes (age groups) are working on their plaques in art. The final pieces will be hung in Kruger Lodge.
Rest time was all about practicing for the big camp sing which takes place Friday night. Each age group writes lyrics to a popular tune and the whole camp competes for the best song. We’ll announce the winners in Saturday’s post!
The Mini Maks, meanwhile, had their own special event called Rainbow Game. They had to run around camp and find a staff member wearing a color of the rainbow, who then gave them a challenge: Trivia, Sing a song, Spell something, Answer a riddle, or Perform a task.
Campers win when their arm is painted with all colors of their completed tasks!
Evening activity was the conclusion of Founder’s Cup. After weeks of play and a thrilling, all-camp sports relay, the final winner of 2019 Founder’s Cup was Team Metzger!!
Mack Noorily - 12
Ian Mintz - 14