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what's cooking?
we have a birthday!
Today’s Lunch: Philly Cheese Steak.
Today’s Dinner: Chinese.
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Baked Goods.
The campers got some nice outside time this morning before it rained in the afternoon.
The rising 7th graders had a basketball tournament at Winadu. They won one game and lost two, but as always, a great effort by all of our players.
During rest hour, the kids worked on the official end-of-session-one camp sing, which will take place Friday night.
Afternoon was rainy day activities.
The whole camp played Mooshoo Warrior together in the Field House. This is a game of poses: crane, superman, or boulder. You pick a pose, and if it's the same as the MooShoo Warrior, you are out. It was a battle of immense skill and strategy (and a great teaser for our Chinese food dinner).
The campuses were then split up for more indoor play. TJC went to the Dining Hall where they entered, "Who can eat a bowl of cereal first". The winner was Francisco Perochena (applause emoji). They also did "who can stand on one leg the longest,", and it was a tie between Jacob Melman and Noah Baker. They also played a dice gam and a milk chugging game. No one can say that MKN doesn't teach unique skills.
The LSRs headed to Kruger Lodge for a movie, while USR went to the Field House to play Spikeball, Basketball and Ping pong.
Evening activity was a favorite camp MKN Tradition - the annual Seneca vs. Staff basketball game. The whole camp got to watch and get 'concessions' from the concession stand including hotdogs, pizza, and snow-cones. The half time show was 10 TJC vs 10 USR (picked at random) - they had to get all members passed through a hula hoop. TJC won.
After a hard-fought game, the final score was Counselors 97 Senecas 79.
Jake Menell - 11
Spencer Brouhard - 17
Kelly Morris - 24