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FRIDAY 6/28/19












HIGH: 92°F

LOW:  71°F


what's cooking?

we have a birthday!

Today’s Lunch: Chili cheese hot dogs

Brother/Sister Lunch at Danbee!


Today’s Dinner: Cookout!

Hot dogs, burgers, pasta salad, potato salad, coleslaw, watermelon


Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Waffles

​The day started early - 6:30 to be exact, with the kickoff of our annual Polar Bear plunge. The PB plunge takes place every Friday, and the campers who want to do it jump in the (very cold) lake, then hop right back out. Those who complete every plunge get a T-shirt at the end. 


We had a big day of competition.  The Cherokees (rising eight graders) played two tournaments.  The baseball team played camp Greylock. Our roster included Oliver Pitchenik, Eric Wallich, Jake Rather, Kieran Singh, Alex Desantis, Ryan Wang, Spence Wepman, Harrison Housman, and Sam Levine.  They played their hearts out and were great sports, but they sadly lost both games. Don't worry, we'll have them doing two-a-days starting tomorrow at 5 a.m. (J/K).  


The basketball team played camp Taconic. The roster included Hudson Tesch, Isaac Raphel, Lucas Mandel, Mack Noorily, Andrew Badt, Adrian Vasquez, Elliot Wechsler and Sam Blumberg

They won one game and lost another. It was a great effort by everyone who participated.


The entire camp engaged in some exciting Founders Cup competition.  Team Rudolph dominated in volleyball and basketball, while Metzger and Kruger made a great showing in Flag Football and Ultimate Frisbee.  Team Lilley has some catching up to do. 


Our Junior Camp (TJC - rising second to rising fifth graders), hiked to Stephens Glen. It was a great trip, and the campers had a wonderful time in nature with their friends.  This group also started a book club - they are currently reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. 


Last night, we hosted our first huddle. This is the time we take to pause and reflect on what we've achieved this week. We celebrated respecting ourselves, each other, and the environment.  



Francisco Perochena - 8


  • To those who partook in the Polar Bear Plunge this morning.


  • To our Cherokee baseball team for keeping their spirits high and finishing the game strong.

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