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Breakfast: Bagels and lox.
Lunch: Mac and Cheese.
Dinner: Meat Loaf.
Many of our campers got crafty today.
The video editing team is really making progress - learning the programs and editing their own works.
The photography "students" are also progressing quickly. They love capturing the action around camp, then seeing the photos come to life on-screen.
Arts and crafts did some great bead work, sketching, and jewelry making.
And, most kids got to make their own tie dye t-shirt. Get ready to see these works of art at home - they're very on-trend.
Outdoors, our wilderness boys worked on their fire building skills while zip-lining and rock climbing were as popular as ever. It's wonderful to see how the kids challenge themselves and improve week over week.
On the sports front, we had quite a few tournaments. B4-5 had a baseball tournament at home as their fellow campers cheered them on. B10 had a soccer tournament at home. B6 had football at Winadu and B6-8 had tennis at Winadu. The tennis team did particularly well.
Some of our upcoming "Mini mackers" came for a tour before they begin Mini Mac, which takes place from week 3-4. Even the absolute "toughest" big kids think the Mini Macs are absolutely adorable.

Fletcher Lilley

The tennis team for getting three trophies at their tournament!