FRIDAY 7/9/21

HIGH: 88°F
LOW: 63°F


Breakfast: Eggs and chocolate casserole.
Lunch: Chicken hash on a hot dog bun, salad.
Dinner: Papa John's.
We had some rain in the morning, but our leagues were able to get out there anyways with football, soccer, and baseball.
Meanwhile, lower seniors watched an Avengers movie and played board games. Upper seniors played basketball if they weren't in a league, and Juniors played board games and watched Luca.
The sun came out in the afternoon and we had the best of both worlds - clear skies and muddy lawns (can't lose).
Lower seniors were able to pick from playing on the waterfront or doing the ropes course while upper seniors kept up with their league and basketball play.
Campus time/dinner was unforgettable - the boys sang and danced to songs like "Sweet Caroline" and "Fireball", while, naturally getting sprayed with champagne-esque soda. It was, beyond a doubt, the hottest party in town.
After that, the Lower Seniors played Capture the Flag, the upper seniors watched Shrek 2, and the juniors played a game they made up themselves which involved cones and passing the ball to teammates. We still aren't quite sure what the rules were, but they sure loved it, so that's what matters.