HIGH: 86°F
LOW: 65°F

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This morning's lake swim was postponed due to weather, but we have our fingers crossed for tomorrow, so we'll let you know.
Luckily, the weather clear up later in the day and we were able to get most of our programming in.
The boys who have sisters at Camp Danbee had another brother-sister lunch with them, which we always love seeing.
And for those who wanted to participate, today was our big "Survivor Island" event. The group canoes across Stockrbridge Bowl lake to a nearby island called Kwuniikwat Island. For years, this island was simply called "The Island". But in 2018, the SBA (Stockbridge Bowl Association) decided to rename it to honor the tribal history of this area, originally part of the Mohican homeland and offered naming rights to the Stockbridge-Munsee tribe. The beautiful, three-acre island is home to plentiful wildlife like blue herons, green herons, osprey, loons, cormorants, Canada geese, bald eagles and ducks.
While on their overnight, the "Survivors" had to build a fire and shelter and hunt for their food (just kidding, but they did have to help cook it).
It was a short, but unforgettable wilderness journey!​

(our birthday listings aren't precise here, but they are on campus)
Alex Frankel​
Brooks Lanford​