TUESDAY 7/6/21

HIGH: 85°F
LOW: 64°F


Breakfast: Bacon and scrambled eggs.
Lunch: Chipotle bowls with steak, rice, pico, gaucamole, sour cream, and salad bar.
Dinner: Spaghetti steak and veggies.
Morning programming was normal sports and activities as usual.
It rained after lunch and the kids watched Italy v Spain in the Euro soccer cup.
After dinner, we had the the big selection ceremony for our color war, which is called Green & White. The kick-off to the games is a very big deal - each camper finds out what team they're on, and it's an exciting moment. The Seneca dressed up and painted themselves the color of their teams, then welcomed each team member onto a large stage. There was music and lights and everything bright.
They also played three games during the team-picking ceremony. The first game was "Watermelon is Squeezed" - whereby, well, a watermelon is squeezed by rubber bands and the first one to explode wins. The White team took the big first win.
The second game was a shoe toss. Each team had to toss their shoe into a trash can, and each successful toss into the trash can made a cone move up. Whenever a team gets the cone all the way across the board they win. The Green team won that one.
The third game became something of a tie breaker, and was based on a stack of plastic cups. A Lower Senior camper was picked by the Senecas to bounce a ping pong ball into a stack of cups. Once they completed the task in all the cups, the game was over.
White team was the final winner.
Micky Glazier - Staff