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SUNDAY 8/1/21











HIGH: 75°F

LOW:  48°F


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Morning started with another beautiful Lake Swim. As a reminder, the boys swim 3/4th of a mile around camp. They jump in early and swim hard. Then, they jump out and start their day. It's a proud accomplishment!


It was a big football day for LSR, as they played "Friday Night Lights".  The all-day football league began as a round robin and ended with a big playoff game. It was intense and exciting. 


Evening activity was a camp-wide game called "Break Out".

Everyone gathered in the field house, one bunk at a time, and they had to pretend they were 'escaping prison'.  The goal was to sneak their way past the security guards and make it outside into a van - unseen. Those who made it to the van were taken to one of the other bunks where they were officially selected for the world record competition, which is happening Monday. We will be trying to break a world record for the longest all-age Ultimate Frisbee game (the current record is 36 hours). Check out Instagram for updates!  

  • Breakfast: Bagels with cream cheese, salmon, fruit and cereal. 

  • Lunch: Chicken wings, asparagus, sweet potato fries, ham and cheese sandwiches. 

  • Dinner: Burgers and hot dog, pasta salad, coleslaw and watermelon and corn. 

  • Dessert: Lemon Italian Ice.

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