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TUESDAY, 7/4/23











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Happy 4th of July!


Ask any Mah-Kee-Nac their favorite day or event at camp, and many of them will say 4th of July and The Tough Mudder.


Our annual, muddy obstacle course is exciting, team building, challenging, fun, and very very dirty.  From noon to 5pm, our bunks started the mudder one at a time. They run through 45 stations including obstacles like a climbing wall, a giant tire drag, beach ball rolls, army crawl, and many many sprints. The boys have to work together - they can't move to the next station until every teammate has finished. The 3.5-mile course ended with a huge "slip and slide" into the finish line.  During the day - both on and off the course - our dedicated cooking staff served all different kinds of snacks and mini-meals to keep them energized. 


After each bunk finished the course, they were able to jump into the lake and clean off. They swam, kayaked, paddled, and played on the blowups. They also ran to certain parts of the course and cheered on their fellow campers! 


Then, everyone cleaned up and headed to our carnival, filled with games, bounce houses, face painting and more. They also got to chow on more snacks like popcorn and snow cones.  After a couple of hours, the rain rolled in and the exhausted boys headed to their cabins. 


But, later last night, around 10 pm, the sky cleared and we were able to set off a beautiful fireworks show and surprise the boys!  



  • Breakfast: Pancakes

  • Lunch: Corn dogs, popcorn chicken, tacos and more.

  • Dinner: Cookout! Hot Dogs and hamburgers, chicken and watermelon. 

To all campers for completing the difficult, long, multi-faceted TOUGH MUDDER! ​

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