TUESDAY 7/27/21

HIGH: 84°F
LOW: 54°F


Today was hot and sunny for most of the day following by a little rain in the evening.
The morning started with another chilly Polar Bear Plunge - our first of the second session. The brave campers jumped right into the water without a second thought!
Regularly-scheduled programming was on top for today, filled with all of the usual fun - basketball, tennis, ropes, cycling, cross country and more.
Our film appreciation club met to work on this summer's film festival. The festival will take place sometime during the last week of camp. The participating kids gave our film-major-counselor-extraordinaire, Chandler, a story pitch and wrote out their film idea. They workshopped the various ideas as a group and made a shot list to detail how they'd proceed. Over the next week, they'll be working hard to complete their films - six or seven will get made! (We will provide early access to MKN +++ subscribers only, everyone else can see the films in December...j/k).
Due to the rain, evening activity was limited, but we can always make time for S'mores! TJC cooked those puppies right up and many marshmallows were consumed.
The Mini-Mackers went on a tour of the lake to see the beautiful sunset. Our Stockbridge Bowl is really one of a kind.
LSR played "majority rules" while USR did their favorite activity - Dodgeball - in the fieldhouse.
Breakfast: French Toast and silver dollar pancakes, boiled eggs and oatmeal.
Lunch: Spaghetti and garlic bread, salad bar.
Dinner: Rotisserie chicken, veggies, dinner roll and salad bar.
Dessert: Popsicles.

Avery Sloan - 16