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Today was full of mixed emotions - sadness for the campers who left, happiness on behalf of their parents, and excitement for the new guys arriving.
As we said goodbye to our session one campers, the session two guys arrive as well as the Mini-Macs (one-week little guys).
Most of the day consisted of extended campus time while everyone said their goodbyes and we welcomed the newbies. It was a nice chill time for the boys. After the exits and entrances were all said and done, the whole camp participated in a huge shaving cream fight. Then everyone jumped into the lake to rinse it all off.
After after rest hour, we did a modified period 5 and 6 - kids went to various programs of their choosing. It was kind of like a Mah-Kee-Nac open house. Meanwhile, the Mini-Mackers got the full campus tour and did their swim test and earned their "chip".
Evening activity was a good old game of "beat the counselor." The campers went through various stations like HORSE (basketball), soccer penalty kicks, football toss into trash cans, frisbee, and one-point tennis. All stations were camper vs. counselors, and don't think these counselors took it easy on them. No, the competition was fierce! But, alas, young boys have a way of tiring out even the best of us.
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage link, boiled eggs and pastries.
Lunch: Bean dip, nachos, taquitos and quesadilla.
Dinner: Thanksgiving dinner - turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy
Dessert: brownies