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HIGH: 84°F

LOW:  61°F


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Green Vs. White is officially ON!!

​The first activity was the "Flag Find." 30 players from both teams went on a hunt for their color's mini flags hidden all over camp. Once a player came back with a flag, a new player from their team went to look for a new flag. Players could only grab one flag at a time.  WHITE TEAM WON 

The second activity was "Elimination."  Both teams sent ten players into a large circle wearing football flags. Other players tried to pull off their flags. If you lost your flag you were out - last man standing wins. WHITE TEAM WON 

Next, there was a basketball game made up of mixed ages. The  1st quarter TJC played, the 2nd quarter the staff played, the 3rd quarter LSR played, and the 4th- quarter USR played. It was a tight game, but WHITE TEAM won again. They've taken a strong lead so far. 

Into the afternoon, the competition was made up of many mini games such as "Can Can" (which involves a rope and a trash can and is hard to explain but very fun), mental puzzles, and more. 

Evening activity was the big rope race (kind of like an Apache relay, if you ever played that as a kid, which we know is not a PC name, but is just for reference).  Kids had to go to 20 different stations, such as "Duck Duck Go" (which entailed a pie in the face), "Poured Syrup" (self-explanatory), "Glitter Bomb" (they have glitter thrown on them), shaving cream slip and slide, water guns knocking down cups, Kool-Aid ping-pong (regular ping-pong but the losers get a head full of kool aid), and more. 

Once every station was completed by the team, they then received a bag of PVC pipes and had to build a structure. The race was TIGHT and the end came down to the very last second, but the scrappy GREEN team was able to pull out a win! 

Don't forget: Tonight (Friday) is the famous "Rope Burn". You can follow along on Instagram Live! 


  • Breakfast: Breakfast Burritos, waffles, fruit, oatmeal, and cereal. 

  • Lunch: Mac and cheese, dinner roll, salad bar and sandwiches. 

  • Dinner: BBQ Chicken, beans, cornbread + salad bar. 

  • Dessert: Orange sherbert. 

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  • Kudos to our head counselor Zach and Special Events Director Greg for coming up with creative, fun, and exciting G&W games!

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  • Luke Gorchov- 16

  • Micheal Weitz- 10 

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