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SATURDAY 7/27/19












HIGH: 83°F

LOW:  63°F


what's cooking?

The excitement of the day centered around the continuation of the LSR "Survivor" game. After building & sleeping in their shelters last night, they began the day immediately jumping into competition. 

Each round of tasks - from a treasure hunt riddles to relays to obstacle courses, resulted in the elimination of a counselor for the losing tribe. The grand finale took place around the campfire; where the surviving counselors got to plead their case. Each tribe voted, and the final standings were:  1st place Alex Trokel, 2nd place John Rag, 3rd place Daniel McGarrie.


The Cherokees, meanwhile, had their own TV-inspired competition, with a game of Top Chef. They were split into two teams and given a variety of ingredients from steak to bread crumbs, and had 45 minutes to make a dish, plus 15 minutes to make an ice cream.


The Algonquins had a Kong Pong tournament, which is like ping pong and tennis combined. The Winning team was Charlie Lesch, Ian Mintz, and Ryder Begun.


The TJCs played Mini Highland Games with events like the Caber Toss, a Tartan (plaid) drawing contest, and a Ceilidh Dance Contest. It was loads of fun. 


We also had another lake swim, and 20 campers are still in it to win it! 


Our Saturday Night Huddle celebrated perseverance, and we recognized Jamal (counselor), Sam Gilbert (counselor), Justin Alfieri (counselor), Luis Saro - who stuck with the lake swim to the end, Julian Tropea, Jack Rabino, & Jack Heenan (counselor).



Today’s Lunch: Chicken Tenders.


Today’s Dinner: Pizza.


Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Bagels.

we have a birthday!

  • Dash Schaeffer - 13

  • Avery Solan - 14

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