TUESDAY 6/28/22

HIGH: 70°F
LOW: 50°F

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Breakfast: Eggs.
Lunch: Taco Tuesday.
Dinner: Chicken marsala, grilled vegetables, stuffed mushrooms ( vegan option).
It was a bright, sunny, and perfect-weather day at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac.
The campers had another day of regular activities and enjoyed time on the lake - canoeing, kayaking, and playing on the slides. Some of the TJC boys tried tubing for the first time and, of course, they absolutely loved it.
TJC had their second day of soccer leagues. All TJC campers participated! ​Otherwise, everyone was busy with their usual - tennis, woodshed, baseball, swimming and so much more.
Evening activity was great fun - TJC played capture the flag - an oldie but goodie. LSR played soccer tennis which is, well, tennis with a soccer ball. Also tons of fun.
And...drum roll...USR (Upper Seniors) as well as the Cheyenne (oldest bunk in TJC) had their first social with our sister camp, Camp Danbee. The campers haven't been able to do much socializing in recent years, so this was a pretty exciting night for all.

To the boys who had socials and showed off their best moves.