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SATURDAY 6/5/2021: New Camper Picnic!! 











HIGH: 82°F

LOW:  63°F


what's cooking?

Campers,  families, and staff enjoyed an abundance of pizza and popsicles! 


Welcome to MKN Today. This is where you'll find daily updates about all of the exciting MKN happenings. The format you see here is exactly what you'll find this summer- one page for every day of camp.  


Expect daily highlights about sports, programs, birthdays, food, weather, and tournaments, coupled with some of the best photos of the day.  So, be sure to check back "on the reg" and experience camp alongside your kids.


 This past Saturday, we welcomed the newest Mah-Kee-Nac campers at our new camper picnic. We were so happy to see these animated boys and their supportive families rearing to go for a fun-filled day. After the year we've all had, camp is more important than ever!  


40 "home families" came to meet their son's new "summer family". The campers had a blast playing basketball, watermelon, box jousting, and spike ball.  And, no surprise, the fan-favorite - Gaga.  They'll get plenty of that at camp! â€‹


The weather was hot, but the kids didn't seem to notice as they greeted one another with big smiles. ​  The Junior Counselors and Staff were there to answer any questions and run around with the boys (they couldn't help themselves).  


Every Camper walked away with a new water bottle and a bag, which they can use at camp in just a few short weeks! 

Colorful Popsicles


To all of our new campers for joining the MKN family, and to all of the parents for giving your son this wonderful gift.
We can't wait to see you at camp!! 

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