SATURDAY 6/26/2021

HIGH: 82°F
LOW: 63°F

First Day of Camp!

Waffles, fruit and Sausage
Rice, Quesadilla Rolls, Wings, Sandwiches and Salad Bar
Dinner: Spaghetti and Meatballs, Broccoli, and Salad
Dessert: Chocolate Chip Cookies with Milk
Today was the day! We couldn't have been more excited to welcome our 300 Mah-Kee-Nac campers to the first day of camp. The weather was cloudy, but the boys didn't care - they were ready to play!
Of course, the day had to start with testing (#2021), but the kids took it like champs. As soon as they were done, they hit the ground running. Literally.
The day was all about play. As old and new friends filed in, the kids were allowed to play whatever games they wanted. Campus time all day long. They enjoyed basketball, trampball, Gaga, and Frisbee.
The boys got their bunk assignments (you should have received an email with this info), and came together into their "campuses" for group play. The TJC (Junior Camp) focused on World Record Games, LSC (Lower Seniors) played crossnet, spike ball, and Gaga, while USC (Upper Seniors) hit up the basketball court, ping pong, soccer, and hockey.
Evening activity was our Opening Ceremonies. Awards were handed out celebrating last camp summer's champions - yes, from two years ago! these awards mean a lot to the kids, we weren't about to skip it. All campers to the Mah-Kee-Nac oath and watched a video that offered a sneak peak of what this summer has in store (hint: it'll be fun).
The little party animals concluded the evening with a dance party. Because, after long drives, saying goodbye to parents, taking COVID tests, meeting new people, and playing games all day; there's nothing left to do but dance it out. ​
To our amazing Health Center staff for performing all COVID tests on all campers upon arrival.
And, of course, to all of our amazing campers - new and returning. This is quite an adventure for a kid to undertake. We thought we were excited to be back, but the smiles we saw today show us these kids needed MKN more than ever!